
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Take a Day Off

I realize I haven't posted an Anti-Procrastination challenge for the past couple days.  I also realize that there are a lot of weekends that I don't post anything.  That's simply because I made a commitment that I would not let this blog take priority over my responsibilities as a wife and mother.  (That would be pretty dumb to blog about homemaking and be a lousy homemaker!)

I really hope, though, that on the days where I don't post a new challenge that you're still completing your own Anti-Procrastination task.  We all have different things that need to be done, and I'm sure you can think of something to do that you've been putting off.

Today is a little different, though.  I'm going to give you permission to take a day off...with one requirement.  You have to use your day off to do something you've been putting off.  I know you're thinking, "What?  Isn't that the same as an Anti-Procrastination task?"  Here's what I mean.  You need to stop procrastinating caring about people.  In my case it's the three little people that call me mom.  I can get so focused on getting everything crossed off my list, including my Anti-Procrastination task for the day, that I hear myself saying things like, "No, not right now..."  "Not today..."  "Later..." to my kids.  They want to go outside (which means I have to drop everything and go out with them since they're too little to go out by themselves) or play with playdough (which I hate because it makes a big crumbly mess)  or they want me to read to them or play with them.  There is nothing wrong with telling your kids they have to wait a few minutes while you get the dishes in the dishwasher, but do you find yourself constantly telling them "Later"?  If not now, then when?  Blink an eye and they'll be grown.  You'll be so sorry you waited to spend precious time with them.  So don't add that Anti-Procrastination task to your list today.  Instead, go read a book to your kids.  Take them outside.  Play playdough with them. 

If you don't have children or yours are grown, what people have you been putting off because you're too busy?  Why don't you take the time to make that special meal for your husband even though it's time-consuming and requires a lot of cleanup?  Write that letter to your grandmother.  Visit that lonely person in your church.  Bake those cookies for your neighbor.

We're not promised tomorrow.  Let's not get so focused on getting things done that we put off caring about people.


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