
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Are You Ready for Valentine's Day?

 Valentine's Day will be here in just 10 days.  Do you have your cards and gifts picked out and purchased?

If you do, you get out of today's challenge, but you need to pick something else that needs to be done and get it done!

If you're not ready for Valentine's Day yet, your task is to purchase the cards and gifts for your valentine(s)

If you can't get to the store to actually make the purchases today, you need to make a concrete decision on what gifts you will be purchasing and/or making.  The kids and I got their Valentines for their cousins done, but I need to nail down exactly what I'm doing for my husband.  I have several ideas, but I haven't made a final decision. I know I need to before it ends up being the last minute and I have to rush.  It looks like I have a little work to do along with you today!

If you're just joining the anti-procrastination challenge, you can read about what it is here.  Be sure to subscribe to email updates or follow me on Facebook to get daily reminders of your next challenge!

This post may be linked to one of these parties.

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