
Monday, January 16, 2012

My Weekly Goals

As I mentioned last week, I think I have "Homemaker's ADD."  I really struggle with staying focused on one thing, and because of that I've been doing well with my One Year of Anti-procrastination project.  I usually just pick the first thing that jumps out at me and do it right away.  I've been getting more done, but I'm not forced to work in any particular order.

Here were my weekly goals for last week:

1. Be in bed by 9 pm every night (the hubs and I have both done much better with going to bed early since we set this goal.  I don't think we've ever made it by 9, but we've been getting there a lot earlier than we ever have before!)
2. Be up at 5 am every morning (Ahem.  Hubby and I have both been shooting for this, but we've only made it a couple of times.  Still, we're getting up earlier than we ever have before.  Setting goals is definitely pushing us in the right direction.)
3. Drink 64 oz. of water every day (I haven't kept the greatest track of exactly how much, but I have been filling up a water bottle every day, and I usually refill it at least once.)
4. Do preschool with the kids every day (We made it every day but one last week.)
5. Read one book to the kids every day (Um...I sort of forgot about this one.  Hanging head in shame.)
6. Complete my one anti-procrastination task every day. (Yay!  I crossed one off!)
7. Finalize ideas for hubby's valentine and birthday gifts so I can begin working on them. (Not 100% finalized, but definitely closer.  I also got the ideas for the kids gifts to their cousins completely figured out.)

Wow.  I really stink at this.  Hence, the name of my blog is very appropriate.  At the very least, this goal-setting thing is at least helping me do better than I was before.  With continual working at it, I know I will continue to improve.  Cheer me on, okay?  I need all the encouragement I can get to stick with it.

All righty, here are my goals for this week

1. Be in bed by 9 pm every night
2. Be up at 5 am every morning
3. Drink 64 oz. of water every day
4. Do preschool with the kids every day
5. Read one book to the kids every day
6. Complete my one anti-procrastination task every day.
7. Finalize ideas for hubby's valentine and birthday gifts so I can begin working on them.

Simple enough.  Let's see if I can do this.

1 comment:

  1. I totally have "Homemakers ADD"! I had a pretty good week last week by focusing on just the tasks for that day and getting them done as early on in the day as possible before getting wrapped up in other things. Good for you for challenging yourself to go to bed and get up early! I am not a morning person but really need to work on this as well! Practice makes perfect right? Have a great week - by the way - I found you through your link to MSM Goal's.
