
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Goals for This Week

I think I have "homemaker's ADD".  I have a really hard time focusing on things, and routines seem to make me do worse than a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants approach.  Maybe that's why I'm enjoying the Anti-Procrastination challenge.  I can just pick something at random every day to work on.  I'm not forced to follow any specific routine, but I'm still getting things done.

Most of my weekly goals, therefore, are ongoing things that I want to become habits in my life. 

1. Be in bed by 9 pm every night
2. Be up at 5 am every morning
3. Drink 64 oz. of water every day
4. Do preschool with the kids every day
5. Read one book to the kids every day
6. Complete my one anti-procrastination task every day
7. Finalize ideas for hubby's valentine and birthday gifts so I can begin working on them

I think this is a pretty do-able list.  I get discouraged very easily, so I definitely do better when I keep things simple.

Am I the only one who struggles with "homemaker's ADD"?

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