
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Potty Training = Not so Good

I never, ever, ever thought that we would not be done potty training Little Bear by now. He 3 years and 3 months old, and he started showing an interest right around age 2. That's over a year we've been at this thing. Every time I sit him on the potty, he's ready to get right back down because he's bored. I make him sit there for a while, but he won't go. Then, of course, he goes in his diaper, pull-up, underwear (I've tried them all) right after that. He really doesn't care if he walks around in a wet or dirty diaper, pull-up, or underwear. He doesn't tell mommy before or after he goes, even though he knows he's going to get in trouble. The cold shower thing - miserable during the experience, but he forgets all too quickly the next time. I've read everything, asked everybody, and tried all of it, but nothing's working.

You know what's sad? After a year of this, I finally realized that this is not something I have prayed about. God knows what it is that will help Little Bear "get it". But I haven't asked Him for wisdom. I haven't asked him to help Little Bear understand and be willing to stop playing long enough to tell mommy he needs to go potty.

That's going to change. This will be on my prayer list now, and I will wait for answers from the Lord.


  1. How did your potty training go after this post. I have a similar grandson?

  2. I just had to find the thing that "clicked" with him, and it was nothing I ever could have figured out on my own. In the summer, he decided that he didn't like to go swimming with a diaper on, so I told him that if he started going on the potty all the time he wouldn't have to wear a diaper in the pool either. That very day, he was potty trained day and night! Crazy, but that's what clicked in his little mind.
